Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Buenos Aires

First couple of days in Buenos Aires have been good. Day one was recovering from 26hour flight, being overwhelmed by the throngs of people in the neighboorhood where my hostel is and learning to watch my feet instead of the scenery incase I fall into an unexpected hole in the middle of the side walk or trip over some uneven pavement (I will get some pictures for you). Day 2 was exploring in a torrential down pour, meeting several Australians, finding a nice place by the docks where there were not throngs of people and learning to watch my feet instead of the senery in case I step into a giant puddle. I also signed up for a spanish class since the most I can comprehend in spanish is hola and ciao. That starts tomorrow.

¡Disclaimer! If my spelling sucks it´s because this computer is set for spanish so spell checker is useless '- I take no personal responsibility for the spelling of words on this blog.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

sweet ana! i'm stoked for your blog~ may you fair better than I did